
Hirakata Ikorusun, Naruhodo(平方イコルスン、成程)

   The title of this manga, Naruhodo means 'Oh, I understand ' in Japanese, but this is one of the most un-understandable short slapsticks in recent japanese manga.
 Firstly, every stories in this volume contains some very unusual situation. For example, in 'Totteoki no Wakizashi( Japanese dagger as a trump )', women in this world seem to be permitted to resolve the trouble by duel. However, the author never explain this extraordinary world-settings. So we get confused, 'What the hell is this? What's happening in this?'. And as story goes, we finally get the idea about what is it about, the story ends abruptly.
   Sounds terrible? but you may not believe, this weired, short, reader-unfriendly slapsticks are incredibly funny! Try it!

Here's the author's website.

Pixiv site.


C82 Doujin Softs Round Up

Recently I've visited C82, as you may know, it's biggest festival of Japanese Pop Cultures. My aim is Doujin Softs(as you may know, nearly Japanese indie games. But Doujin Games or Softs≠ Japanese indie games).

This video is C82 Doujin Softs Round Up made by えーでるわいす which is one of most famous Doujin Game circle. 

I've bought some Doujin Softs, but stockpiled(in the Japanese language "積みゲー" sound "tsumi-ge") most of them....

So I will write about them in this blog. Maybe I wil.